Universal Monitor
For replacement of Universal Monitor on earlier installations where the monitor is not integrated into the room unit or the master. Same size as Medium Room unit.
External Camera with IR
Can be used in conjunction with an audio door unit as an alternative to a video door unit where the mounting position of the door unit and/or lack of night lighting makes the external camera with IR a better solution. Image above is an example only. Actual camera supplied may vary.
Loop Antenna for AM radio
Directional loop antenna for optimal AM radio reception. Normally mounted in the ceiling space. Can be ordered with optional 5 or 15m coax lead.
Wall Box
Used for allowing mounting of intercom units into brick walls. Available in small, medium and large.
Music Kit
Consists of a Music Jack Plate and Music Jack Lead. Allows you to plug your ipod, mp3, stereo etc. either directly into a music master or when used with the Music Interface Board, into a mini master or room unit. The music can be heard through the whole system.
Perspex Adaptor Plate
Used to adapt deltacom unit to hole left by old system master unit. Can be custom made to any size.
Canopies - Clear Poly Carbonate
Available in Medium Horizontal, Small Horizontal and Vertical.(Vertical suits both medium and small).
Deltacom Power Supply - Mini
Suitable for small audio only systems with up to 4 units connected.
Deltacom Power Suppliy - Standard DPS1
Suitable for larger audio and video systems.
Music Interface Board
Allows Music Kit to be used with a mini master or room unit.